AquaFLOW December/January/February 2020
"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” Victor Hugo
It has always been of interest to me, to be in observation of the places I find love, and to extend the amounts of time I spend there cherishing the special moments. What I have come to find, among the make-shift of emotions and memories, is that love is in places where least expected and are most often directly in front of me. It is said that, Winter is a season of recovery and preparation. Paul Theroux got that right, and as I climb to the metaphoric mountain top for the best vantage points, it is my experience that having been once found, Love follows me and nothing keeps it from me. It is no longer a destiny but rather ingrained deeply and the benefits of knowing this decrease the blurred lines that separate humankind from one another, and from their highest potential of giving and receiving love. As a matter of course, there are life calamities we come across that attempt to tug the heart strings and cause descent, but to hold Love in one’s heart and in mind, makes everything somewhat lighter, as if always walking the promenade in rays of prismatic light. Once significantly gifted with loving remnants, we innately sense our capabilities and more readily justify a higher love that unites and creates solvent communities; a love that harbors a refusal to waste time and purports togetherness. Approaching our summit of Winter Solstice and therefore much colder temperatures, we need muster an ability to view the illustriousness, as if from a vista created for marvel, the former fuzziness of our limited range of regard beckons a letting go of sorts and so we are spirits warmed. If it once seemed there were formalities to our loving, we now know having seen first hand a softer side of evidence, that to allow for a beyond doubt template of fragility is a profitable major asset for all. Experiencing a hardship? Call it Love. Feel like you are suffering? Call it Love. Fighting a battle? Call it Love. Crying out with an ache of Sadness or Pain? Call it Love. Facing a major difficulty? Call it Love. Feeling Alone, missing a dear companion? Call it Love. Touched again, by Grace? Call it Love. Living with undue Loss? Call it Love. Let’s Fall Hard, for the thought of seeking Love, for Being in Love, and to straightforwardly BE LOVE… It’s a Hallelujah of sorts.
For every whisper of longing, take notice and understand the dedication and commitment, the conviction that a certain kind of love insinuates and embalms, emulating in all the places we inaugurate. When that particular convenance pierces the equation, a transcendent Love is inevitable and streams outreaching tentacles to carry us across that which disquiets with a surprising optimism, investigating and investing in that which touches. I dream, during the 2020 Winter Season as we enter a new decade, we find that a mandatory participation in the art of Loving, an essential subsidy for all, for bolstering a provisional practice of patience coupled with appreciation will multiply the unfolding of our hands and arms. Contemplate the ways in which we reach out, and notice that requirements to do so are minimal. Give the gift of your heart and be blessed with the magical familiarity that you too, are SO LOVED…. and you are worth it. As we near the end of 2019, I can’t be remiss in thanking you all for the wizardry and allure you each bring to make AquaFLOW what it is, as it would be nothing without each one of you. Feeling ThankFULL? Call it Love!
December… First week off… Will return on 12/9
No Class on Christmas Day 12/25
January… No class on 1/1 New Years Day or Martin Luther King Day 1/20
February… No classes on 2/3, 2/5 or 2/7 or on 12/17 for President’s Day
“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.” Robert Fulghum
When it feels as if my soul has been shaken and stirred, I simply just keep believing in miracles. I am convinced that what I see and understand to be true is simply evolution and change is constant, as is said. I keep hoping that things will be alright for our children and grandchildren’s futures. Somedays it is challenging to concentrate, staying on task seemingly impossible. Thoughts of having to keep to a schedule as concisely planned ahead of time absolutely spine-tingling. World News seems grim to a degree, the Political Climate and Climate Change Deniers cause frustration for me and I am not sure I can deal with what feels as if it is a pounding of impurity upon the human race, our planet Earth. It’s difficult to strive positivley, when energy is being zapped like an outgoing King Tide. When things that I have learned to consciously avoid feel as if they will be the death of me, the death of all of us, I spin about and again recognize that I have always held a deep abiding faith, an ability to balance amidst opposing powers and remain rooted in what is plausible and thus evoke what is possible. Can you think of a better way to move forward so as to not simply get by? Can we adjust our attitudes and appeal to the notion that we have a means to flourish? At times socially isolating in nature is an answer for me, but I have also found that to gather friends and talk about dreams and ways in which to implement them has crucial benefits. To those of you who gather to mobilize with me, with all who come to AquaFLOW, I need acknowledge that you are a salvation for a tough era in time. Given our accumulative ages, I know we have seen a lot, lived a lot, and comprehend our lot in life as blessings. This understanding does not make it painless. I offer you straightforward gentle times, shared strength and stamina that is accessible, and hopefully helps you all to also trust that miracles exist on this earthly plane….
No one can convince me otherwise!
September with the exception of Labor Day ~
All classes will be held
October No Class on Columbus Day 10/14/19
No Class on Friday 10/25/19
November No Class on Veteran’s Day 11/11
No Class on Thanksgiving Day 11/28 or the day after 11/29
Tentative plan for 1st week of December OFF.
“Hope... is the companion of power, and the mother of success; for who so hopes has within him the gift of miracles.” Samuel Smiles
Here you GO!!!
“Nothing can resist the person who smiles at life - I don't mean the ironic and disillusioned smile of my grandfather, but the triumphant smile of the person who knows that he will survive, or that at least he will be saved by what seems to be destroying him.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
There are days when upon awakening the sense that I “feel good” is immediately present, and life is wonderfully construed. But then, seemingly as if only by chance, all new information is presented, and the certainty that we now need embody a modified story from this point forward, presents itself historically. A not so aimless haphazard BIG BOOM of sorts materializes, and that which we had formerly preserved as truth is now rendered as spoiled, representing a baffling allotment to relay. Yet somehow metaphoric honesty prevails when the switch flips; as we all know too well a personal tale of the loss of a loved one, a familial unfoldment creating less than desirable tension, changing toilsome employment conditions or economic status and bygone circumscribed good health now ailing, or a longtime no longer a friend whom has shown some recent different colors creating disentanglements to simply blow the mind. We live on, continuing to breathe thru the difficulties, as we are ordained by many a life crisis with which we must deal and develop coping drills. Life both makes us and break us down, cracks us open again and again. Rumi says, The wound is where the light pours in. The knowledge that we have a place that binds us, and compels us to keep moving is somehow an enticing component of the bigger picture that reminds us we remain whole despite manifested circumstances. Perhaps even construed as an asset that may be the largest part of how we grow best into ourselves, in the consistency of showing up to dismantle and engage in serial relationships that are meaningful, at least for today.
When the day arises without any warning, one is distinctively and creatively blind-sided and thrown into a period of adversity, we pinpoint in recognition, knowing it was never a question of IF, but rather one of when and where life would throw us into the loophole of entanglements. The weeks that ensue began with an incessant thought of, Crazy, isn’t it? The weeks that now follow, one may be found sitting with a disordered thought process feeling this world is vaguely and slightly problematic, a new everyday norm. The smile is still there, but somehow there are new sensations, emotions, and a more then casual concern about life’s paradoxes. Operation wishful thinking becomes a standard process as one now makes forward progress without reason or logic. Make no mistake, a truthful discovery really can become a question? This life is provisional and lends limited platforms to find answers to a mystery as to how and/or why that dossier of knowledge came to be... Change is inherent, no one is immune, and during the most drastic times when it does occur we waiver between what to say, and I don’t know what to say... Education comes in multiple forms and is the only cure for a broken heart as we learn to paraphrase a new rendition of who we were previously into who we want to become someday again, down the road. And to this Summer’s seasonal quarterly schedule I state my intention clearly; It is my hope that there are not many changes to this schedule that I offer to you all this summer, but we can not be certain, ever.
JUNE ~ All Classes will be held....
JULY ~ All Classes will be held...
AUGUST... Most classes will be held. (I will update as the 8th month of the year draws near...)
“Our days are a kaleidoscope. Every instant a change takes place in the contents. New harmonies, new contrasts, new combinations of every sort. Nothing ever happens twice alike. The most familiar people stand each moment in some new relation to each other, to their work, to surrounding objects. The most tranquil house, with the most serene inhabitants, living upon the utmost regularity of system, is yet exemplifying infinite diversities.”
Henry Ward Beecher